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PPTA is one of the oldest music clubs in Pennsylvania. In its 85 year history it has continued the education of piano teachers in the greater Pittsburgh area and enriched the lives of countless students. The PPTA has awarded thousands of dollars in scholarships and prizes to the students of PPTA members. Among its members are piano teachers, college professors, and concert pianists.


Joining is easy and comes with numerous benefits.


MONTHLY PROGRAMS feature topics of interest to teachers presented by nationally known pedagogues as well as our own knowledgeable colleagues.


KEYNOTES (Andrea Doyle, editor)  is the monthly PPTA newsletter informing members of current activities and events.




PERFORMANCE opportunities for teachers at meetings and recitals allow them to share their knowledge and display their artistry. Teachers may perform at our December meeting and at the Great Performance Series.  Holiday music is welcome at the December meeting.


PPTA YAMAHA PIANO  The PPTA-owned grand piano is available to members for their recitals at PYCO School of Music for a $75 per hour fee to the school, and a $100.00 security deposit to PPTA (which is refundable if the piano is left in excellent condition).  


WEB SITE  The web site is the on line source for additional information on and applications for all competitions. Also found here is the membership list, available to the public. The secure section features the current issues of Keynotes, and a downloadable copy of PPTA’s banner, suitable for studio use.


SOCIAL EVENTS and luncheons give members the opportunity to get to know one another personally as well as to share ideas on teaching.


FEDERATION MEETINGS provide an occasion for members to meet with the state and national leaders.


Junior Club Rating Sheet


SYMPHONY CONCERTS Members of PPTA and their students receive discounted ticket rates to the Pittsburgh Symphony Ochestra.


STUDENT of the MONTH gives well-prepared students the opportunity to perform a piece of their choice at one of several PPTA meetings during the year.  Students must play at or above the Intermediate Level.  It is strongly suggested, but not mandatory, that music be memorized. Time limit, 5 minutes. No fee. Certificates of participation.


GPS Recitals (Great Performance Series) (Chairperson: Andrea Doyle) for Students and Teachers. Provide an opportunity for all levels of students to present well-prepared piano selections for their families, peers and teachers. Teachers are also invited to perform.  Teachers: Be prepared to furnish performing time when scheduling students.


Many opportunities are available through the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC) in performance, composition and essay contests. To participate, a student must be a member of a Federated Club or a Special (Individual) Member.  See the NFMC website for more details.


Awards and scholarships are given for various types of composition, summer music study across the United States, and annual Junior Awards in performance. NFMC awards and scholarships are NOT limited to piano. Examples are:


LAURA K. WILSON AWARD FOR COMPOSITION is a $50 annual award given by NFMC and funded by Pittsburgh Piano Teachers  Assn.


NFMC LYNN FREEMAN OLSON COMPOSITION AWARD - Two divisions: Junior: grades 7, 8, and 9 ($500), High School: grades 10, 11, and 12 ($1,000) Deadline March 1. For information/application write to: Mr. James Schnars,28 Evonaire Circle W,BelleaireFL35616


STILLMAN-KELLY SCHOLARSHIP - Must not have reached 17th birthday by March 1 year of audition. $1000 and $500 awards for further study. Deadline Feb.


JUNIOR FESTIVAL is sponsored by Federation and is held annually throughout the United States. Over 100,000 students through the age of eighteen participate in this event and are evaluated on performance and theory. Adult students may also participate. (See bulletin for rules) Stu-dents may participate in solo, duet, trio, and ensemble, in all instruments, voice, theory, and dance. All levels of performance from primary through musically advanced. Check with the Jr. Festival Bulletin for specific rules regarding individual categories. Teachers wishing to enter students in the Festival must federate their studio. Certificates and gold cups are given. . Entry fee. See Federation Secretary for details. Area Festivals are held at Duquesne University (North Hills: Barbara Kelly and Marilyn Louttit) and Westminster Presbyterian Church (Pgh East: Ellen Johnson).





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