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Performance Competition


Duet Performance Competition – 2025

DUET PERFORMANCE COMPETITIONS (Coordinating Chairperson: Arnel Montgomery) are held in three categories based on age levels: ELEMENTARY (up to age 10), INTERMEDIATE (up to age 14), and ADVANCED (up to age 19*). *Not yet graduated from High School.


A First and Second place award will be given for each level.


Duet teams may perform both pieces from memory, however the use of the score is recommended. The First place duet team in each level performs both pieces at the May general meeting. Participation in the winners' recital is a mandatory requirement, so students and their parents must be made aware of the date. The First place winner in each level may compete again in the same level (based on the age criterion) or move to a higher level (again based on the age criterion).


Age level is determined by the older partner as of January 1 of the competition year. If the score is used, page turns must be done by the performers or a page turner (not a parent or teacher).


Deadline for applications in all levels is a postmark date of March 15. There will be NO exceptions.


Teachers (not parents or students) must submit the applications, which are available on the website or at the general meetings. See individual descriptions below for required pieces, specific contact person for each level, date and location of competition, fees, and award amounts. All fees are non-refundable.


Audition times are specific and final the day of the event and latecomers cannot be accommodated.


An unlimited number of entries per teacher(s) is allowed up to ten teams total per level. Duet partners may come from different PPTA members.


Teachers of winning duet students will be notified by email the day of the competition. The judges’ decision is final and may not be challenged by teacher, entrants, parents or guardians.


REMINDER:  A new or reinstated member must be a paid member of PPTA by September 1, prior to the date of the competition.  The students must have worked solely with the PPTA member on all pieces performed or submitted for the competition.


Coordinating Chairperson: Arnel Montgomery / 412-860-7093 or

412-795-7947  /

Duet Application-2025

Duet Snippets PDF


ELEMENTARY (up to age 10) PYCO School of Music Recital Hall, Saturday afternoon, May 10, 2025


Pamela Pape/ 412-889-7901 /


Certificates and monetary awards: (per team $70, $60) Entry Fee $30 per team


Gartenmelodie Opus 85, No. 3 by Robert Schumann

Piano Duets for Small and Big Children
1 Piano, 4 Hands
Edited by Heinz Walter
Editon Breitkopf 6776


Jazz Walk by Martha Mier 
Jazz, Rags, & Blues for Two, Book 4 Published by 




INTERMEDIATE (up to age 14) PYCO School of Music Recital Hall, Saturday afternoon, May 10, 2025


Pamela Pape/ 412-889-7901 /


Certificates and monetary awards: (per team $100, $80,) Entry Fee $30 per team


Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46, I: Morning Mood by Edvard Grieg 


Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46, III: Anitra’s Dance by Edvard Grieg
Any Standard Edition

Note: Both pieces are from  the same suite.


ADVANCED (up to age 19*) PYCO School of Music Recital Hall, Saturday morning, May 10, 2025
              * Not yet graduated from High School


Arnel Montgomery/ 412-860-7093 or 412-795-7947 /


Certificates and monetary awards: (per team $200, 150) Entry Fee $40 per team


Zapateado by Kevin Olson
Published by JFH Music 


Spanish Dance Op.12, No. 2 by Moszkowski
Any Standard Edition ​



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