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Teacher Teams

Teachers participating in the STAR Evaluations are required not only to serve as judges on evaluation day (currently the first Sunday in May), but also to serve on at least one STAR team during the school year.

AIM Syllabus


Purpose:  To document the differences between the AIM syllabus and STAR program, and ensure these differences are communicated to STAR participants.

Judging Guidelines & Support


Purpose:  To prepare and implement guidelines for STAR Evaluation judges and train and recruit judges for the day of the event (participating teachers are all judges).

Awards, Certificates & 



Purpose:  To provide T Shirts, awards, and certificates for students 

PYCO School of Music Liaison


Purpose:  To procure the PYCO School of Music venue for Evaluations exams. Also, assign each judge a room for the day and makes the signs for the exam room doors.

Registration for 

Teachers & Students


Purpose:  To ensure that teachers sign-up their students for the STAR Evaluations program on the Registration Form/Spreadsheet and to adhere to deadline dates.

Scoring & Tabulation


Purpose:  To develop a system for scoring and tabulating exams.  This system will be used by volunteers in the tabulation room during event day.

Event Day Volunteers


Purpose:  Recruits volunteers as needed, prior to the event

STAR Recital


Purpose:  To organize and lead the Star Recital.

Exams & Scoresheets


Purpose:  To implement alterations to exams and score sheets.  Also, determine number of score sheets needed and bring copies to give to judges on final judges meeting.

Training & Recruitment


Purpose:  To educate new STAR teachers on the STAR program.  Communicate the benefits of STAR to new and current PPTA members

Website Updates


Purpose:  To ensure the STAR portion of the PPTA website is current.

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